Tintagel Castle and our quest for King Arthur.

This blog will unravel the mysteries of the stories of King Arthur and Tintagel. It describes and explains how the story grew over time and sheds light on the truth about King Arthur. It suggests why you should visit Tintagel Castle. It is the mythical birthplace and home of King Arthur, allegedly the greatest King of Britain. There are an awful lot of legends associated with this place that are outlined below. It is a fascinating ruined to explore. It has beautiful views of the rocky coastline. It is in English Heritage’s top five of most visited places.

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Head north to Beamish for an industrial age experience never to be forgotten.

Take a time machine trip back to the Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian times as well as World War Two, at Beamish,”the living museum of the North”. Many visitors leave Beamish with the view that they needed four days, not one to get the complete experience and vow to take advantage of the free return ticket before the year is out. A full day can involve rides on trams, trains and buses, visits to sweet shops, a bank, a grocer’s store, a pit village with miners cottages a school and a 1940’s farm to name but a few! For an extra fee, adults can enjoy extra experiences such as driving the colliery railway locomotive and blacksmithing as well as experiencing war time cookery in the 1940’s Farm Kitchen. Beamish’s “Period Food Team” state that they will “teach you everything you need to know to make a selection of delicious, traditional sweets and treats including cinder toffee, coconut delights, rum truffles and sweetmeats.”

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