King's College Chapel Cambridge; founded by Henry VI and finished by Henry VIII, incorporating the largest fan vault in the world.

If you are into stunning architecture, this place fits the bill. It is often quoted that King’s College Chapel “is one of the finest examples of late perpendicular gothic English architecture”. Although begun by Henry VI, as you walk to the entrance, you will see the Tudor stamp and two steps inside, you will be bowled over by, what one of the guides described as, “Tudor Bling”! Look closely at the rood screen and you will see intertwined H and A standing for Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. Added to this are 25 beautiful Tudor stained glass windows created by the finest Flemish craftsmen of the day. At the end of this blog you will see some excellent examples of green men, something we always look for in churches and cathedrals.

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